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We did it!

When I decided to run for city council, I didn’t know what to expect. Interacting with and meeting so many residents, I learned about their priorities, their neighborhoods, their concerns and their dreams. I was humbled by the willingness of so many to help, by the broad support I received, and the new friends I made.

I care deeply about our community and am honored to have been elected this week to serve as an at-large member of the Plymouth City Council!

I couldn’t have done it without supporters like you who shared my message with friends and neighbors. Thank you for contributing in ways big and small. If you voted, knocked on doors, donated, hosted a get-together, watched our kids, put up a yard sign, or volunteered in other ways, you made this possible.

My family came with me to cast our votes.

Thanks also to my family, for their unending support, and giving me the time and opportunity to take on this challenge.

I also want to acknowledge my fellow candidates for their campaigns and willingness to serve and strengthen our community. I've said many times that I will strive to represent all the residents of Plymouth, whether you voted for me or not. Know that I will always be willing to meet, to listen, and to learn.

I’m incredibly grateful for the voters who placed their trust in me, and I look forward to working for Plymouth on the important priorities of our community.

With deep gratitude,

Clark Gregor



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