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Sun Sailor's year in review highlights change on the city council

The Sun Sailors' "2022 Year in Review" edition, published on January 5, noted the transitions on the Plymouth (and Wayzata) city council.

Newspaper clipping with headline, "Voters elect candidates to local council seats"

"After the results of the Nov. 8 election were tallied, Julie Pointner, Julie Peterson and Clark Gregor were elected to the Plymouth City Council’s Ward 4, Ward 2 and at-large seats, respectively."

Newspaper clipping with headline "Plymouth City Council recognizes departing councilmembers"

The paper also highlighted the outgoing council members, and noted those elected to fill their seats.

"Carroll will move on to serve in the Minnesota State Legislature, serving in the District 42A Senate seat. He will be sworn into offi ce Jan. 3. Stepping into Carroll’s at-large seat on the Plymouth City Council will be Clark Gregor, and taking over the Ward 4 seat for Jim Prom will be Julie Pointner."



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