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Sun Sailor voters guide: "I am passionate about serving our community"

The Sun Sailor voter's guide, published in the October 6 print edition, has the following details about my campaign:

Sun Sailor Voter Guide for Plymouth City Council candidates

Clark Gregor

Biographical Information: As a parent, WHS graduate, and longtime Plymouth resident, I care deeply about our community. Since 2017, I’ve served Plymouth on the Planning Commission, Charter Commission and Environmental Quality Committee. I’ve engaged with residents, staff and elected officials, debated policy and development, and learned about important issues facing our city. With an MBA, I understand operations, budgeting, finance and communications, and will apply that experience on the council as I do professionally at work.

Contact information:

Call or text: 763-307-4275

Question 1: Why did you decide to run for office?

I am passionate about serving our community and have been gaining valuable experience by serving on multiple city commissions. While serving, I discovered that citizen input was largely ignored or not solicited. It is important to me to listen to and encourage citizen input from varying perspectives. As your city council member, I will advocate to increase transparency, diversity and inclusion in the city’s decision-making.

Question 2: What are your key issues and how do you plan to address them?

I’ve been knocking on doors and listening to thousands of voters, and here’s what they’re telling me: We need an approach to redevelopment and public safety that will ensure a welcoming community for residents and businesses. This has been my focus while on the Planning Commission. This includes mixed-use redevelopment of the Four Seasons Mall and Prudential sites and enhancing our City Center with accessible walking and bike paths, shopping and entertainment and attracting small businesses. We must maintain fiscal responsibility and long-term outlook to keep our infrastructure strong and tax rate low. I would pursue a careful budgeting process that balances city needs with the financial impact of any assessments on residents. We should make Plymouth an environmental stewardship leader by protecting our water and green spaces. I would incentivize green initiatives and expand the Environmental Academy I helped develop.

Question 3: How have you worked to resolve issues with those who have an opposing viewpoint in the past?

I’ve learned that taking time to listen often reveals common ground and shared interests. As chair of Plymouth’s Environmental Quality Committee, I focused not on sharing my opinions, but instead on ensuring that every committee member had an opportunity to contribute to the discussion, resulting in consensus decisions. As co-chair of Leadership Twin Cities, I led a group of volunteers from multiple organizations with differing priorities. We planned and carried out a nine-month program that elevated perspectives and sought solutions on many community issues. In the process I gained new perspectives myself. As a council member, I will be non-partisan and will prioritize collaboration and listening to resident viewpoints with an open mind.

I encourage you to check out the other candidate details on the Sun Sailor website.



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