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Spoonheim Letter: "Persistent commitment to learning and evaluation of policies."

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Joel Spoonheim, a member of the Plymouth Housing and Redevelopment Authority, wrote a letter to the editor published in the October 27 Sun Sailor.

Screenshot of Letter to Editor

To the editor:

A culture of exceptionalism is permeating our Plymouth City Council and school district that undermines the success of many Wayzata School District students and Plymouth residents and employers. While we have some amazing statistics of success, current elected leaders seem eager to downplay or ignore the growing gaps that eat at our foundations.

I’m supporting Sheila Prior for Wayzata School Board because she knows well the challenges of securing resources for students who have learning differences. She’s willing to ask tough questions and seek answers to why Wayzata has some of the largest achievement gaps in our state. She’s willing to have open, public discussion, unlike some running for reelection.

I’m also supporting Clark Gregor for Plymouth City Council at-large as a proponent of thoughtful, informed decision making. I served with Clark on a city commission and observed his persistent commitment to learning and evaluation of policies for improvement.

Ultimately, I hope everyone votes, as local democracy works as we all show up.

Joel Spoonheim




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