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Paul Letter to the Editor: "Clark works collaboratively to come to consensus."

Former Wayzata High School principal Craig Paul and former Greentree West board member Terry Paul wrote this letter to the editor published in the October 27 Sun Sailor.

To the editor:

Scan of letter to the editor

We strongly support the election of Clark Gregor for Plymouth City Council. We have known Clark since he was in high school and watched his involvement in school activities as he matured into a young man. Even at that time, he used intelligent reasoning and willingness to lead in a team—important characteristics for a City Council position.

As an adult, Clark became our neighbor in Plymouth's Green Tree West neighborhood. We served together in the neighborhood association and worked closely on several projects. One was to replace the Green Tree entrance sign. During those meetings, Clark listened to all neighbor’s thoughts and treated us with respect as he worked collaboratively to come to a consensus. He also navigated the legal and permitting process with the property owner and city to complete the project. The experience was a team effort of compromise, all of which are vital in a city council position.

Clark continues to serve beyond the neighborhood, on several city committees and commissions. His willingness to listen and to serve lead us to believe that Clark will be a positive influence and contributor to the Plymouth City Council.

Craig and Terry Paul Maple Grove



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