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Shamblin Letter to the Editor: "Clark is experienced and knows the city government."

Updated: Oct 4, 2022

Plymouth resident, small business owner and friend Rebecca Shamblin wrote a letter to the editor in support of my candidacy, published in the September 27 Sun Sailor.

Screenshot of Letter to Editor

To the editor:

I am supporting Clark Gregor for Plymouth City Council in November’s election. I have known Clark and his wife, Jenni, since our Wayzata High School days. He’s a strong advocate for issues important to our community, like environment, diversity, equity and inclusion. Clark is running ‘At-Large’ so that means every voter in Plymouth will see him on their ballot.

Clark has shown himself to be a good listener who is open to multiple perspectives. He will research and learn about issues before making any decision. He wants to bring more voices and perspectives to city decision-making. He’s been out knocking on doors, attending forums, and meeting with different leaders and groups to seek grassroots input and involvement. If you have questions, he’s always willing to answer your email or call.

From Wayzata Student Council, to being president of his neighborhood association, to being on the Plymouth Planning Commission and the Environmental Quality Committee, which he chaired, Clark is experienced and knows the city government.

Clark was born to do this job, and truly wants to make this city the best city that it can be. I encourage you to vote for Clark Gregor this November.

Rebecca Shamblin




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