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Roberts Letter to the Editor: "Honest, thoughtful, inquisitive, kind, respectful..."

Updated: Oct 4, 2022

Plymouth resident Dan Roberts, former Wayzata science teacher, wrote a letter to the editor in support of my candidacy, published in the September 27 Sun Sailor.

Screenshot of Letter to the Editor

To the editor:

After 34 years of teaching middle school science, I’ve had the privilege of getting to know thousands of students and their families. Unfortunately, sometimes when I run into former students later in life, I have to be reminded of their names as my memory fails me. Other students, however, left a lasting impression on me and even decades later, and I remember them well. Clark Gregor falls into the latter of those two categories.

Clark was an excellent student. He worked hard, completed his work on time, and did well on tests. But more importantly, and what I remember most about Clark, is that he was a good kid. He was honest, thoughtful, inquisitive, kind, respectful, and well-liked by his peers and teachers alike. Clark would often stay after class to ask a question or for clarification, or sometimes just to visit and share a quick story.

I’ve kept in contact with Clark over the years and it’s clear that those same qualities which were apparent in his youth are still at the heart of who Clark is today.

He continues to work hard on matters both big and small. Whether it was helping me remove the fence in my yard to be recycled and used again in his yard, organizing the replacement of the Greentree West neighborhood sign, or working tirelessly to develop and implement the Plymouth Environmental Academy, Clark continues to collaborate with others to get things done. Clark’s “can do” attitude, his genuine concern for all people, his environmental stewardship, and his strong moral character is an asset to all who know him, and even those who don’t.

As we enter into election season, we will once again be subjected to endless rhetoric by candidates who promise to get things done on our behalf. Luckily for me, one decision on who to support this fall is easy. I have complete confidence in knowing that Clark Gregor will make an excellent councilman for the city of Plymouth and I wholeheartedly support him.

Dan Roberts




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