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Gleason Letter to the Editor: "I appreciate his commitment to inclusion and equity."

Former Wayzata School Board Chair Pat Gleason wrote a letter to the editor in support of my election, published in the October 6, Sun Sailor.

Screenshot of letter to the editor

To the editor:

I am supporting Clark Gregor for Plymouth City Council-At Large and Jay Hesby for Wayzata School Board.

I have known Clark Gregor and his family for more than 30 years. He has always exhibited incredible leadership skills starting as an Eagle Scout and progressing through college, graduate school and community participation in Plymouth.

I appreciate his commitment to inclusion and equity in this community. Clark believes that as our community grows, we need to ensure access to housing and transportation for all of our citizens. I am also happy to see his commitment to improving our environmental impact.

I first met Jay Hesby in 2008 when we served on the Wayzata School Board together. I appreciate the fact that he stepped up to fill an unexpected vacancy last year and I believe it would be in the district’s best interest for him to continue to the end of this term. While Jay and I may not always agree on issues, I respect his thoughtful consideration of all points of view. He is now and has always been committed to doing what is in the best interest of the students of the Wayzata School District.

Please join me on Nov. 8 in voting for Clark Gregor, Plymouth City Council At-Large, and Jay Hesby, Wayzata School Board.

Pat Gleason




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