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Mensch Letter to the editor: "Clark Gregor’s leadership and experience earned my vote"

Updated: Oct 4, 2022

Plymouth resident John Mensch wrote a letter to the editor in support of my candidacy, published in the September 21 Sun Sailor.

Image of letter to the editor as printed in the Sun Sailor, September 21, 2022

To the editor:

Clark Gregor has my support for Plymouth City Council At-Large seat for several reasons, two of which I will mention here. I have watched him when he has been at Plymouth City Council meetings in his role as chair of the Plymouth Environmental Quality Committee. He reaches out to others who are not speaking up. I can see he wants to listen to many perspectives, so that he will not implement his ideas and say “Here’s what I want to do,” but will rather build consensus and say “What do ‘WE’ want to do?”. Personally that quality in itself is enough for me to want him on our City Council. I want to be heard, represented, and considered. This will also naturally create an atmosphere where the diversity of the city is embraced. We all belong to Plymouth! Clark Gregor also has valuable experience, another major reason to vote for him. He has been on the Plymouth Charter Commission, is on the Plymouth Planning Commission, and has spent years on or chairing the Environmental Quality Committee. I would love to see him elected this fall. I would love to feel a council member will listen and that I can have a voice. John Mensch Plymouth



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