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Updated: Aug 3

I'm honored to have the endorsement of many of our community leaders. Check out the other letters to the editor that have been published in support of my campaign to see the additional community support I have received.

Elected Leaders

Plymouth City Council Member At-Large

"Clark's experience will be a valuable addition to the Plymouth City Council. He understands the role of the council and his years of faithful service to our community make me happy to support him for the City Council At-Large."

Plymouth City Council Member At-Large

"Clark's years of service to our city have taught him what our city needs and I fully support him running for my seat on the city council."

Metropolitan Council Member, District 1 Former Plymouth Mayor and City Council Member

“Clark will be a great addition to the Plymouth City Council. He’s a proven leader through his roles on boards and commissions. He will keep Plymouth strong and moving forward.”

Former Ward 4 Plymouth City Council Member

"Clark has honesty, integrity and a willingness to listen to all points of view."

Hennepin County Commissioner

"Clark has a deep understanding of local government. He will be a strong advocate for Plymouth and a great partner with the county."

Chair, SD42 Precinct 4 Wayzata School Board Director

"I am happy to support Clark Gregor for the Plymouth City Council at-large seat. Clark is as dedicated an individual as I've seen in our city. In the years I have known him, Clark has proven himself a worthy contributor on several committees and commissions. Above all, he believes in the tenets of diversity, equity and inclusion—a welcome outlook for a city with a growing population of diverse people and cultures."

Former Wayzata School Board Chair

"He has always exhibited incredible leadership skills starting as an Eagle Scout and progressing through college, graduate school and community participation in Plymouth."

Hopkins City Council

Minnetonka City Council

Former Hopkins City Council Member, current Plymouth resident


Founder and and Executive Director Emerita, Interfaith Outreach & Community Partners

"Clark is a seasoned, respectful and collaborative leader, eager to listen to multiple perspectives, committed to transparency, and ready to take the next step in helping our community become the best version of itself."

Former Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners Board Member

"Clark will bring a wealth of hands-on experience and an unmatched commitment to transparency in government to the Plymouth City Council."

Commissioner, Plymouth Housing and Redevelopment Authority

"Clark is a proponent of thoughtful, informed decision making with a persistent commitment to learning and evaluation of policies that may not serve our future as well as they served the past."

Community advocate

"Clark is highly qualified with impressive professional experience, community involvement, well-reasoned perspectives and, most importantly, a demonstrated willingness to listen to constituents and carry our voices forward.

Policy Director for Hennepin County Commissioner Kevin Anderson



Former principal of Wayzata High School; Former Green Tree West board member

"Clark will be a positive influence and contributor to the Plymouth City Council - a representative who serves!"

Wayzata High School teacher, retired

"Clark seeks a deeper listening to all the voices of our community."

Wayzata science teacher, retired

"Clark’s 'can do' attitude, his genuine concern for all people, his environmental stewardship, and his strong moral character is an asset to all who know him, and even those who don’t."


Groups and Associations

  • Supported by Plymouth Diversity Equity and Inclusion

  • Minneapolis Building and Construction Trades Council

  • Minneapolis Area Realtors

  • North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters


Other profiles



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