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Drop-off Day: By the numbers

Truckload of donations

I volunteered at Plymouth's Drop-off Day again this year. The annual event provides an opportunity for residents to declutter and get rid of certain unwanted items.

It is also a great way to allow for proper disposal and recycling of items that usually can't go into your recycling bin.

Some of the collected items include:

  • Bicycles

  • Paper to shred

  • Light bulbs

  • Batteries

  • Unused winter deicing salt

  • Household goods and clothes

  • Tires

  • Scrap metal

  • BBQ grills

  • Lawn mowers, snow blowers

  • Furniture

  • Carpet/padding

  • Exercise equipment

This is a popular event the city offers. I showed up for my volunteer shift an hour before the gates opened and there was already a line of vehicles waiting! I helped out on the "free item" day, and was assigned to the textiles and household goods station. We filled a 20-foot box truck with clothing, toys, pillows, dishes, blankets and more.

Unloading donated goods from a vehicle.

Here are a few statistics from the first day of collection this year:

  • 423 vehicles (almost 100 more than passed through last year)

  • 20,000 lbs of paper shredding

  • 1,350 light bulbs

  • 30 gallons of batteries

  • 1 and ½ 20’ box trucks worth of textiles / donated material

  • 80 bikes

All of these items, and much more that will be collected on the second day of the event, will be recycled or otherwise safely disposed of.

If you have other things to dispose of, I recommend checking the Hennepin County Green Disposal Guide. Just enter what you have and they'll tell you where and how it can be recycled or disposed of safely. The county drop-off facilities are open regularly for many items, too.



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