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Candidate Forum was ideal opportunity to explore Plymouth issues

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

I joined many of the other candidates running for City Council on Thursday, September 15 for the League of Women Voters Candidate Forum. I'm happy to share the full video of the event here.

As I said in my introductory comments, it was a great "opportunity to share ideas and to listen to multiple viewpoints for the betterment of our community."

We talked about many issues including public safety, affordable housing, development, diversity & inclusion, ethics, environmental stewardship and more. I wish there were more time to answer each question and to interact with my fellow candidates, it was a robust discussion with some great ideas shared across the panel.

I wrapped up the event by thanking the League and my fellow candidates for taking the time to be there and for coming "before the community to share their ideas and viewpoints." I also acknowledged "the leaders who have come before me, who have sat in these seats and been wise and faithful stewards of our community. And I want to acknowledge those who were here even before them, as stewards of this land. If elected, it is my hope that I can build on the solid foundation they have laid, and that I can steward Plymouth in the years to come."



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