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Black Letter to Editor: "honesty, integrity and willingness to listen to all points of view"

Updated: Oct 21, 2022

Former Plymouth City Council Member Ginny Black wrote this letter to the editor, published in the October 20 Sun Sailor.

Ginny Black and Clark Gregor

To the Editor:

I am writing in support of 3 candidates running for City Council. They are Clark Gregor (at-large), Julie Pointner (ward 4) and Julie Peterson (ward 2). As a voter and former Plymouth City Council Member, the first thing I look for in a candidate is their honesty, integrity and willingness to listen to all points of view. I believe these three candidates have those qualities.

I have had the privilege of getting to know each of the candidates:

As a council member I was the Council representative to the Environmental Quality Committee. Clark served there for four years. This committee considers many environmental issues that are important to Plymouth residents. As chair, Clark led the creation of the Plymouth Environmental Academy (where I was asked to present on composting). He was then appointed to the Planning Commission and has gained a broader understanding of development and redevelopment in the city.

Scan of Ginny Black's letter to the editor.

Four years ago, I worked with Julie Pointner in her run for city council. I believed in her then, and my support for her is even stronger today. Since 2018, Julie has only become more informed of city issues. She was appointed to the city’s Planning Commission and has been elected vice chair. As the mother of two daughters with unique lived experience and perspectives, she has leadership qualities, insight and experience that will serve the community well.

Julie Peterson is someone that I have worked with for many years. She has demonstrated community leadership by serving on the Charter Commission, and together with me in clearing buckthorn from the Hardenberg property, a city park. Through that work I have gotten to know Julie and know that she cares about the community and will take her consensus building leadership experience into her role on the City Council.

I ask you for your vote for these three candidates who will serve our community with integrity and caring for our businesses and residents.

Ginny Black

Former Plymouth City Council Member



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